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金融学院学术讲座信息——新加坡管理大学李伟凯教授:Consumers Reaction to Corporate ESG Performance

2023年04月23日 14:37  点击:[]

金融学院学术讲座信息——新加坡管理大学李伟凯教授:Consumers Reaction to Corporate ESG Performance

题目:Consumers Reaction to Corporate ESG Performance: Evidence from Store Visits

摘要:We investigate end consumers’ reaction to corporate ESG performance. Using granular GPS data, we find that foot-traffic to firms’ stores significantly decreases in the month following negativeESG incidents. Foot-traffic decreases more for stores located in democratic counties and countieswith a larger fraction of highly educated and younger residents, consistent with ESG reputationinfluencing the demand of consumers with a preference for corporate sustainability. On the otherhand, the effects are similar across stores selling durable and non-durable goods, suggesting thatour results are unlikely to be driven by the information channel that a firm’s ESG practices informconsumers about the quality of its products or longevity. Overall, our findings contribute to the“doing well by doing good” debate and suggest that a firm’s ESG reputation can affect its financialperformance and shareholder value through the consumer demand channel.




李伟凯,香港科技大学金融学博士,特许金融分析师(CFA),现就职于新加坡管理大学李光前商学院,是金融学助理教授。研究领域涉及实证资产定价、行为金融以及可持续金融。曾在香港金融管理局香港货币及金融研究中心(HKIMR)担任访问研究员。在Review of Financial Studies,Journal of Financial Economics,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,Journal of Econometrics等顶级国际学术期刊上发表多篇学术论文。他的研究曾在中国金融国际年会(CICF),国际金融管理协会年会(FMA Asia),亚洲金融协会年会(Asian FA),芝加哥数量投资协会(CQAsia)以及国际可持续金融研究联盟(GRASFI)等国际学术会议上获奖。曾多次在国内外金融机构宣讲研究论文,包括中投公司,城堡投资公司,美银美林,麦格里银行,PanAgora资产管理公司。研究成果多次被《华尔街日报》,《金融时报》和《清华金融评论》等转载。

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