《Introduction to Econometrics》、《金融计量分析与应用》、《金融数学引论》
1.Zheng Yanqiao, Zhang Xiaoqi, Zhu Yu*; Overeducation, Major Mismatch, and Returns to Higher Education: Evidence from Novel Data Source of A Major Online Recruitment Platform in China; China Economic Review, 2021, forthcoming
2.Lu Yao, Ji Zheng*, Zhang Xiaoqi, Zheng Yanqiao, Liang Han; Re-Thinking the Role of Government Information Intervention in the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Agent-Based Modeling Analysis, International Journal of Envirornmental Resouces and Public Health, 2021, 18, 147. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18010147
3.Zhang Xiaoqi, Ji Zheng, Zheng Yanqiao, Ye Xinyue*, Li Dong; Evaluating the effect of city lock-down on controlling COVID-19 propagation through deep learning and network science models; Cities; 2020, 107: 102869
4.Zhang Xiaoqi, Zheng Yanqiao*, Zhao Zhijun, Ye Xinyue, Zhang Peng, Wang Yougui, Chen Zhan; The education-chasing labor rush in China identified by a heterogeneous migration-network game; Scientific reports; 2020, 10(1): 1-17.
5.Zheng Yanqiao, Zhang Xiaoqi, Dai Qiwen*, Zhang Xing; To Float or Not to Float?
Internal Migration of Skilled Laborers in China; International Journal of Envirornmental Resouces and Public Health, 2020, 17, 9075; doi:10.3390/ijerph17239075
6.Daijun Zhang; Xiaoqi Zhang *; Yanqiao Zheng; Xinyue Ye; Shengwen Li; Qiwen Dai; Detecting Intra-Urban Housing Market Spillover through a Spatial Markov Chain Model, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2020, 9(1).
7.郑燕巧,焦世泰,张晓奇. 城市多中心结构对轨道交通系统与房地产价格关系的影响——以北京、杭州、南京、成都四个城市为例,经济地理,2019年6月.
8.Xiaoqi Zhang, Yanqiao Zheng*, Lei Sun, Qiwen Dai. Urban structure, subway system and housing price: evidence from China,Sustainability, Feb. 2019.
9.Xiaoqi Zhang, Yanqiao Zheng*. Gender differences in self-view and desired salaries: A study on online recruitment website users in China. PLoS One, Jan. 2019.
10.Shitai Jiao; Weijin Gong, Yanqiao Zheng*, Xiaoqi Zhang, Senlin Hu. Spatial spillover effects and tourism-led growth: an analysis of prefecture-level cities in China, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism research, 2019(7).
11.Zheng Yanqiao, Zhao Xiaobing, Zhang Xiaoqi, Ye Xinyue, Dai Qiwen; Mining the Hidden Link Structure from Distribution Flows for a Spatial Social Network; Complexity; 2019.
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