一、 基本情况 ![](/__local/7/B3/97/9C3CF296348723C3AF663D3AF2A_524F3C5C_262E.jpg)
王高翔 (Gaoxiang Matthew Wang), 男, 讲师, 博士, 新西兰籍华人
研究方向: 公司治理, IPO短期及长期表现
二、 学习经历
2.2006-2008年 新西兰梅西大学金融系,金融学硕士
3.2009-2013年 新西兰怀卡托大学金融系,金融哲学博士
三、 科研成果
Wang, G., & Lim, C. (2010).Effect of Macroeconomic Factors on Share Prices.Journal ofInternational Finance and Economic,10(2), 113-123.
Fauzi, F., Hewa- Wellalage, N., Abdul, B., & Wang, G. (2013). Entrenched Board in New Public Firms: An Empirical Study of Chinese IPOs.Chinese Business Review,12(8), 540-553.
Hewa- Wellalage, N., Fitriya, F., & Wang, G. Corporate governance and cash dividend policy: Evidence from Chinese IPOs: Under review atJournal of Modern Accounting and Auditing.
Wang, G., Locke, S., &Scrimgeour, F. Does corporate governance matter in China? A study of Shanghai Exchange IPOs 1999-2009: Under review atInternational Journal of Managerial Finance.
“Does corporate governance impact on the sustainable return of IPOs in China? A study of Shenzhen Stock Exchange 1999- 2009” 19thMultinational Finance Society: Krakow, Poland, 2012.
“Does corporate governance impact on the sustainable return of IPOs in New Zealand?” New Zealand Finance Colloquium: Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand, 2012.
“Does corporate governance matter in China? A study of Shanghai Stock Exchange IPOs 1999- 2009” Wellington Conference on Contemporary China 2013: Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 2013.
Wang,G.(2014).Test of Macroeconomic Variables through APT in the ASX.Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. (92 pages, ISBN: 978-3-659-59841-8)
四、 获奖
五、 联系方式
通讯地址: 浙江省杭州市下沙高教园区学源路18号, 浙江财经大学金融学院; 邮编:310018, 学院楼3-407室