报告题目:Endogenous borrowing constraints and wealth inequality
报告人:王敏 助理教授
Title: Endogenous borrowing constraints and wealth inequality
Abstract: This paper studies the evolution of wealth inequality in an economy with endogenous borrowing constraints. In the model economy, young agents need to borrow to finance human capital investments but cannot commit to repaying their loans. Creditors can punish defaulters by banishing them permanently from the credit market. In equilibrium, loan default is prevented by imposing a borrowing limit tied to the borrower's inheritance. The heterogeneity in inheritances translates into heterogeneity in the borrowing limits: endogenously, some borrowers face a zero borrowing limit; some are partly constrained, while others are unconstrained. Depending on the initial distribution of inheritances, it is possible all lineages are attracted to either the zero-borrowing-limit steady state or to the unconstrained-borrowing steady state -- long-run equality. It is also possible some lineages end up at one steady state and the rest at the other -- complete polarization.
助理教授,北京大学国家发展研究院 (2011年9月— )
博士后,密歇根州立大学环境科学和政策中心 (2011年1月—2011年6月)
1. Health and Precautionary Savings in the Pollution-Growth Nexus (with Jinhua Zhao and Joydeep Bhattacharya, Accepted at Journal of Environmental Economics and Management)
2. Optimal Education Policy under Endogenous Borrowing Constraints, Economic Theory, 55(1), 2014, 135-159.
3. The Monopoly Extraction of a Nonrenewable Resource Facing Capacity Constrained Renewable Competition (with Jinhua Zhao), Economics Letters, 120, 2013, 503-508.
4. Voting under Temptation (with Monisankar Bishnu), Economics Letters, 118(3), 2013, 419-423.
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12. 我国居民收入不平等问题:基于转移性收入角度的分析(与黄祖辉和万广华合作),《管理世界》, 2003(3),70-75
13. 农民收入问题:基于结构和制度层面的探析(与黄祖辉合作),《中国人口科学》,2002(4), 16-22